Our last show of 2024! David Rogers will be on the wine deck Saturday, October 5, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Termed, ‘a prominent guitarist,’ by the New York Times, David Rogers Fuses classical, jazz and world music elements into beautiful, expressive and virtuosic performances. The Washington Post has praised his ‘astonishingly florid’ solo improvisational passage work. He has been called a ‘modern master’ of the classical guitar’ by 20th Century Guitar. has praised his ‘first rate instrumental artistry,’ and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has written-‘David Rogers played like a lead guitarist in a rock band. He laced the likes of De el pobo with improvised, speedy solos way up into the wailing region of the fingerboard… Your ticket includes a fantastic show, a glass of Huitaca wine, and a view.
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